What are we up to

The team
We are continually recruiting motivated undergraduates, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in one of our research programs.

What we do
Controlling polymer architectures
to efficiently transduce stimuli.
Our research revolves around the structural control of functional polymeric architectures by means of precision synthetic strategies and/or engineering routes. Our work draws a lot of inspiration from Nature and tries to emulate some of the functions found in naturally occurring systems. Together as a team, we tailor the properties of functional materials and give them desirable adaptive behaviors in response to various cues (mechanical, optical, heat, etc). We are especially interested in the fields of mechanochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, low-power light upconversion and adaptive nanocomposites. As an international group of scientists, we are having fun doing science that excites us, addressing along the way both fundamental challenges and societal problems.